Chosen by the Riexian Prince Read online
Page 13
“We will see. I do not see how you will be able to do that when you can’t even protect yourself from me.” I ran my hands down her ribcage, sending her into laughter.
“No. No way. You are not doing that.” She laughed, trying to pull away from me.”
“Ask nicely, and maybe I will listen.” I pressed my lips into her neck and blew, making a loud noise that sent her squealing in a delightful way. Fun. That was what it was. I did it again, wanting her to make that noise again.
When she did, I laughed along with her. It took a bit. I paid attention to all her weak spots. Her ribs. Behind her knees. Her elbow. Her neck. All the spots that got her hot for me also sent her into a fit of giggles. That only fascinated me more about her. Finally she broke down and conceded to me.
“Okay, okay. You win! I give.”
“You should have done that in the first place.” Leaning down, I kissed her. “Let me reward you for being such a good girl.” I deepened the kiss, getting lost in the taste of her, in the way she responded to my touch. I took one of her nipples into my mouth, loving the way her hard bud rolled along my tongue. I dipped my finger into her heat, loving the feel of her pussy clamping around me.
“So fucking responsive,” I grunted out. “You’re always responding to me. I love that. I love that I can make you feel so much.”
“Then make me feel more. I want to feel you in me.” She ran her hands down my chest and to my cock, gripping it, as if to make sure I understood exactly what she meant.
I chuckled and nipped at her nipple before kissing down her body.
“Kyel.” She warned.
“I’ll give you exactly what you deserve, and that’s only the best.” I kissed my way down her stomach, loving the squirming that she made. She made cute little sounds that made me hard. I found the little bud called her clit and licked it, another part of the human body that absolutely fascinated me. Her hips bucked as she moaned my name, begging for more. So I did, loving her sweet taste. It didn’t take her long to come on my tongue and I lapped up as much of her delicious juice as I could from her pink plush pussy.
“You better fuck me soon,” she said, pulling on my hair.
I chuckled and held myself above her, hooking her leg with my arm, giving me a better angle. I was so hard I thought I was going to blow before entering. Her entire body was flushed with passion, her hooded eyes begging me to fuck her hard.
Who was I to deny her needs?
After adjusting myself, I was able to slide both my cocks into her. It was like finding home. Every time I entered her, I found my home. And when she came, clamping around my cocks, nothing in the galaxy matter except her. Only ever her.
I moved slowly at first, making sure she adjusted to the size of both of me.
“Harder,” she murmured.
“Anything for you.” I pumped harder and faster, loving the feel of her around me, clamping tightly. She writhed underneath me, needing more. I flicked her clit, sending her over. She milked me for everything in me, and I came too, roaring my claim over my mate.
As she came back, I kissed her fiercely, ready to go again.
“You’re mine,” I said, breathing heavily as I buried my face in her neck.
She wrapped her arms around me, not even caring that I was still in her. “And you’re mine. I am not letting you go. No matter what happens. We do this together.”
I held her closer. “Together.”
The fear was still there, but Nora had a way of making me believe her. We’d do it together, no matter how it ended.
My men prepared to arrive at Ariex, clicking away at their individual stations, preparing us for a clean landing. I stood, staring off into space, the small blue dot growing by the second. Soon, we’d be arriving. In preparation for our arrival, I was already wearing my best robes. They were the same colors of the deep blue of our waters, with a hint of green in them. The collar and cuffs were more of a silvery-blue, almost similar to Nora’s dresses, but richer in color. I wore the colors of the Kei family. Underneath the robes were my lightweight armor, strong enough to withstand a pryori blast. Expensive, but needed since I didn’t know what was going to happen once we landed.
While I stood straight and expressionless, only speaking to give orders, inside, I was a mess. After landing, there was no telling what was going to happen. Taking Nora as a mate, especially from my father did mean I could die for it. It all narrowed down to the whim of my father and how he twisted my taking Nora as my mate. Most common cases were slaps on the wrists and detainment, but not much else. With my father, there was no telling how far he’d try to take it.
Once we were close enough to the planet, everyone grew quiet. We always did as we marveled at the beauty of our planet. It was large, mainly blue, with spots of land. The ones we could see from space were our larger islands, but there were smaller islands that wrapped around the entire planet. Two moons and one sun circled my home. The two moons worked together to bring life in out of the ocean as it changed the flow of our waters while the sun gave life the nourishment it needed. A bluish green haze wrapped around the globe. It acted as a barrier to alert our people when someone passed through. Only those who knew how could safely make it through the few paths set in it. Others would find themselves trying to transverse to what equated as a meteor belt. Many didn’t make it through safely.
“Are all the humans in stasis?” I asked.
“Yes, sir,” one of my medical advisors answered. His one job was to keep an eye on the vitals of our humans. Entering the atmosphere would be too rough on their fragile human bodies and we wanted to make sure they made it safely. Putting them into stasis meant they didn’t panic and kept them calm while monitoring their vitals.
Nora was there too, in artificial sleep. I’d rather she was by my side, but I couldn’t risk her. If there was only one survivor on this while damn ship, it had to be her. On my screen, her vitals were the only ones on there. They were slow and steady. She was safe. I blew out a breath, pushing thoughts of her away. I was Prince Kyel now, heir to House of Kei and Ariex. I had a job to do, and that meant I didn’t have room to worry over my mate. I had to make sure we safely landed. And then I had to face my father.
That one I still wasn’t sure about. It was true that this could be the perfect opportunity for the old man to take me out. At the same time, Nora formally becoming my mate had some protections attached. I may have stole her, but now that she was mine, he couldn’t take her without going against Riexian customs. I only had to remind him that she was mine now. He could punish me if he wished, but not her. It’d be best if he let it go and settled with someone else. Knowing him though, he wouldn’t. He’d try to do as much damage as he could.
And that was what put me on edge. I had no idea what that entailed. I had ideas, but my father had a way of making twisted decisions that no one anticipated. If he went against our ancient customs, then he was making a new statement that could potentially put him into a precarious position as a leader. Those scriptures were the only thing that kept him from becoming a complete tyrant. Even he respected the scriptures—at least to a degree.
“How are our prisoners?” I asked. We had locked up all the instructors pending review once we landed. They were all going to be treated as criminals until proven otherwise. We’d get our snitch out in due time. Once back in my home, I’d have the time to ferret him out. Hacking into our security, and putting our ship at risk, all to try to hide a message, was a serious crime. I was going to put it down as an act against war. If we had been attacked by pirates during that time period, we would have all perished.
“You are thinking very loudly right now,” Drayl said. “Are you regretting it?”
Drayl didn’t need to voice what he meant for me to understand. His disapproval had been etched on his face since the day I told him Nora was going to be mine.
Drayl adjusted something on his screen before speaking a
gain in a soft whisper. “You’re going to get us all killed.”
“We always talk about waiting it out, waiting for the old man to keel over. I know now that isn’t the right choice. It is an act of spinelessness and that isn’t who we are. Who knows how much longer it’ll take for him to die. And then what? I’m stuck cleaning up his mess? Every day that he’s ruling is another day of damage done to our economy and our people. This is for the best.”
“We are not ready to move against him. Nora shoved your head so far up her ass that your so busy kissing it that you forgot what our goals should be. We need to stay under the radar to prove that he murdered your mother. There is a bastard child out there. We only need to find him. If you want your name cleared, this is what needs to be done. Nora is not the bastard child. Nora will not clear your mother’s—and your—name. She’s a complication. The shit that you’re talking about, that’s a coup, Kyel. And we are far from ready in doing something so dangerous like that. We don’t have the support yet.”
Anger rose and I turned to him. “Is this your way on going back on your word? You promised to support me, to stay by my side. It sounds like you’re the one regretting it, not me.”
Drayl stiffened. “You know that is not the case.”
“We are entering the atmosphere,” one of my men call out.
I move to my chair and strapped in. Drayl did the same next to me, glaring hard at his work board.
“Kyel, I’ll stand by you. I didn’t lie about that. I will stand by you, but I can’t help you when this all goes south. I can only see one ending here.”
“Where you only see one ending, I see another. We will be fine. As long as we stick together, we’ll get out of this.”
Drayl didn’t respond as the ship shook as we made it through our barrier and entered Ariex’s sky. The water below us was enticing and my body itched to jump in, to feel the fresh coolness wrap around my body as I swam deep down in search of the unknown. I was one of the best when it came to deep diving. Once Nora was more comfortable with swimming in a pool, I’d bring her out with me. Show off to her that capabilities of a Riexian’s body.
“Coming to Landing Zone B,” someone called out.
“Lower our shields,” I said.
“Shields released.”
“We have the all clear to land.”
“Then land it,” I said staring at the base before us.
We came in fast before slowing in time to hover over our landing mark. My insides went weightless as the movement, and the straps bit into my body as it kept me in place. Once we stopped moving, the base sent out a latch that connected to underneath our spaceship. It reeled us in until we settled in the spot reserved for us. There was only a soft thud as we landed safely and my team turned off the spaceship.
“Run diagnostics and repair any damages done.” I glanced down, noting that Nora’s vitals were only slightly higher, but they were still steady. Medical, how are our humans.”
“Sleeping and safe.”
“Good. Wake them.” I unlatched myself and jumped up, heading toward the stasis room.
Small, human sized pods lined the walls and covered the floor. Attendees scurried from one pod to another, slowly helping the humans wake and climb out. I went right for Nora’s pod and smiled down as she blinked open sleep eyes at me.
“Are we there?” she slurred.
“Welcome to Ariex.” I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. I unclipped the belt that went over her chest, settling just underneath her breasts. “How do you feel?”
I undid the binding around her arms, brushing my hand down her soft skin, needing to feel for myself that she was okay.
“Hungry. And like my limbs weigh a hundred pounds.” She lifted her arms out for me.
I grabbed her and helped her to a sitting position. “You’ll have to move slowly while your body continues to wake. You’ll feel sluggish for another twenty minutes.”
She moaned as I helped her to her feet. She leaned into me and I reveled in the fact that she had to rely on me. It was such a small thing to help her remain standing while she woke up, but it was everything I needed.
“Guess what, little one?”
“We are on Ariex now.”
That seemed to work as her eyes widened in realization. Loving that dumbfounded look on her, I leaned down and claimed her lips. She opened to me unbidden and I went deeper, tasting her, loving the feel of her tongue against me, how she pressed into me. If we had been in a private room, I would have taken her then and there.
Nora reached down and rapped her hand around one of my cocks, making it jump in her hand. If she kept this up, I was going to give everyone in this room a show. I didn’t mind, but Nora probably did. I grabbed her hand and lifted it to my mouth, kissing her palm. She shivered from the intimacy and I smiled as I placed another on her wrist. The human body was oddly sensitive, which made touching Nora so much more erotic.
“Later, little one. Are you ready to see your new home?”
“I’m nervous.” That had to be hard for her to admit.
“Don’t be. Ariex is your home now, and you will be their queen. They’re going to love you.”
“Yes, a human queen. I can see them rejoicing about that.” There was a hint of bitterness in her voice.
“They will when you put them in their place. They’ll realize you are a warrior and it doesn’t matter that you are human. It matters that you are strong.” Wanting to comfort her, I kissed her again, pulling her against me. She moaned, melting against me. I pulled away and said, “I have the upmost confidence that with time, Ariex will grow to accept you as a powerful queen.”
“You think so?” she asked.
I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “You are already. They just hadn’t had the time to realize it yet. Come, my little queen. Let me introduce you to Ariex.”
Kyel wasn’t lying about it taking twenty minutes for my body to wake back up, the last of the lethargy didn’t disappear until we were lining up to walk out to be greeted. I was at the front with Kyel, at his side as part of the procession. His friend, Drayl, was at our back, the guards at the ready behind him.
I faced many intense moments in my life. Raiders wanting to take everything I had, rapists, murderers, desperate people in need of even a crumb of food or a drop of water. I’d faced military people pushing their agenda on us. I’d even faced down a beast or two. Or the sun flares.
But this was worse. Fear flowed throw me as I gripped onto Kyel’s arm, letting him act as my escort off. While I squeezed him as tightly as I could, hoping with him acting as an anchor, I’d be steadier, I kept my features as calm and confident as possible. Once the ramp lowered, it was up to me to leave a good impression, to prove that I wasn’t weak.
“Ready?” Kyel whispered into my ear.
I suppressed a shiver. “No.”
He chuckled. “I am here. Remember that.”
I hummed in response as a loud whirling noise sounded and air gushed through the space as the ramp began lowering. Slowly my new world revealed itself.
At first, I couldn’t see much. I saw blue, a lot of blue, and green. Other Riexians stood waiting, the people at the front wearing the same pretty blue robes that Kyel wore. He had mentioned it being his house colors.
House of Kei. Currently the most powerful house considering the Ambassadors also ruled it. A small group of guards moved ahead of us to line our path. I used that time to take in the beauty before me. The ramp opened to a platform with water all around. Waves could be heard crashing against something hard. A cool breeze tickled against my skin, making me wish I wore something more than my dress. It was a thick dress, but my arms were bare, and it dipped down low to show off my breasts. It fell to my knees, leaving my legs bare. My hair had been done up so my shoulder, neck, and most of my back was bare. None of the Riexians seemed to notice the coldness. Was it because they were used to these temperatur
es? It was definitely far colder than my own planet.
Blue skies went on forever reach down until it clashed with green life, and blue-green water. There was life here. So much of it that my brain couldn’t processes it. My life had been filled with reds, browns, and grimy yellows, that this was a complete shock. How could planets be so different like this?
“Nora?” Kyel asked softly.
“It’s…it’s so beautiful.” I gasped, drawing in a breath that nearly knocked me on my ass. It was so clean and refreshing. My lungs convulsed around the air, not knowing what to do with it all. It was easier to breath, flooding my blood. Any lethargy I felt fled away as I completely woke up. It was like my entire life, my body had been functioning at half mast, and now with this clean air, it could work at full speed.
“Come on. We have people to greet.” Hardness slipped into his voice, putting me on edge. When he began walking, he almost tripped me, but I managed to get moving along with him.
As we get closer to the crowd before us, my gaze went directly toward the one person who’s photo had been completely ingrained into my memory. Tryel refused to let me mistaken who my mate was supposed to be. In person, Ambassador Kryn looked worse in person than he did on a screen. It was like they prettied him up before putting him on the screen. Unable to hold back my revulsion, and knowing I had to, I forced myself to look away, at the men who surrounded him. They were big, slightly bigger than Kyel. They wore loose black pants, and nothing else, baring their naked chests for the world to see. At a glance, it was easy to know that they’d gone through battles. Their chests were scarred and with how many there were, it felt more like a competition. The ones standing closer to the ambassador had more scars, they looked bigger and scarier. Weapons that were like guns sat at their hips, massive hands resting on them as they stared at us like we were the enemy.
For the first time, I understood why it’d be hard to fight against his father. In the background, I heard Drayl’s voice, but it was too low and ominous for me to make out what he said. It still set my hair on end, like he had given me a warning. Doubt crept in as we paused in front of Ambassador and I no longer had a choice but to look at him.